4 min readMay 22, 2021


Hello to the awesome PandaCash community!


To communicate clearly and directly, all the important information about the PandaCash project progress, audits, important website updates, roadmap checkpoints or any other news we consider important.


PandaCash is an audited and trusted RFI static reward token on Binance Smart Chain oriented with a no-loss lottery mechanism and long term goals. Pandacash will not only apply a 10% redistribution fee, but will also have 2% of every transaction sent to a lottery wallet, The lottery wallet is a multi-sig wallet which pools and eventually disburses prize funds (equivalent to a Tesla Model X) to a single winning address after the raffle draw.


PandaCash works by applying a 10% fee on liquidity and instantly splitting the fees among all the token holders. Holders are not required to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and instantly available in holders balance, In contrast with typical yield farming rewards, PandaCash’s static rewards depend on the volume of trading. This reduces selling pressure from early adopters who trade their coins. Why? Because as a holder, you are rewarded every time another investor sells PandaCash. Continuing to hold PandaCash will earn you higher rewards, which are based on the total tokens you hold and the percentage of tokens that others sell. PandaCash will not only apply a 10% redistribution fee, but will also have 2% of every transaction sent to a lottery wallet which will be used to purchase a brand new Tesla Model X. A lottery will be drawn and when the lottery wallet reaches a cap of $100,000, existing holders will not need to apply for the lottery, all you just need to do is hold any amount above $20 worth of $PANDA. For transparency and accountability PandaCash lottery will be drawn live using Chainlink VRF and the Lottery wallet will be publicly viewable on the blockchain so that holders are not only aware of the funds raised, but how the funds are being used.


We are a team of developers and crypto enthusiasts on a mission to break new grounds in DeFi. In that light, we decided to create a high yield lottery token that will allow us help the world in our own way. You can reach out to any of our team members on telegram or twitter.


The importance of a smart contract audit cannot be over-emphasised. Over the years, we’ve learned that a thoroughly-audited project is far less likely to behave unexpectedly in ways that harm investors than one that has not been audited. This might sound like an obvious statement, but a surprising number of projects are not audited talk more of being audited by a reputable organisation. What is an audit? Smart contract audit is the review of code by experienced and reputable audit firm to resolve if the code is secure acting as whether there are any existing vulnerabilities, capabilities for future bugs or any errors in coding that could expose users.

The reality is that not every user can read Solidity code. An audit makes reading the actual code unnecessary because the code is reviewed and commented on by an expert. The PandaCash contract has been audited by a well known and reputable audit company, TECHRATE.


We thought of some intrinsic way to increase the value of PandaCash, and we came up with burning of our dev tokens. We want to tie the burning events to milestones which we will discuss with the community. For example, we may initiate a yoken burn after the we cross the $100k Market capitalisation for the first time. By remaining flexible in this area, we can incentivize rapid growth, which will benefit all investors holding PANDA token. Visit our site below for a full list of milestones (more coming in the future):



TWITTER: @PandacashDeFi


NOTE : The information contained in this Medium post do not constitute investment advice. As always, endeavour to do your own research. Read our audit documents and check with other sources before investing funds.




Pandacash is an audited and trusted RFI static reward token on Binance Smart Chain oriented with charitable values.